The Power of Collaboration A beacon of hope for children

The Power of Collaboration: A beacon of hope for children.

In the northern landscapes of Chiang Mai, Thailand, government officials, business leaders, national and local leaders and experts working in foster care and family strengthening from all over the world gathered at the World Without Orphans (WWO) conference.

This was the 3rd World Without Orphans conference, titled  ‘Together from Crisis to Hope’, bringing together approximately 500 individuals from hundreds of organisations across the globe, all united by a common mission: to ensure that every child has the opportunity to grow up in a safe and loving family environment.

Mick Pease, our founder was among the attendees, marking his third participation since this conference was launched in 2016. These global, faith-based events serve as a call to national leaders, urging them to collaborate and address the plight of vulnerable children in their respective countries. The aim of the conference was to encourage unity and humility, to create a world where children can remain in, be reunited with, or regain a family that nurtures their potential.

Collaboration improves child care and protection

Long before conferences like the WWO were planned, SFAC had established relations with other international organisations and individuals by assisting with different projects. 

These include: 

🔵 Children in Families (CiF) Cambodia – SFAC assisted them in starting the country’s first foster care programme that is still active and growing. 

🟡 Child’s I Uganda – SFAC were directly involved in training their first batch of social workers about family care.

Eight years ago, when Mick attended the first WWO conference he spoke about how children are most likely to thrive in a family rather than a children’s home (aka orphanage) and shared his vision with Anu Silas, founder of Vanitashray from India. This year, when they met again in Thailand, Anu shared with Mick how his words helped her move away from orphanage care to community care for families and children.

Such organisations, with SFAC’s instrumental advice and support, have made significant strides in shifting the paradigm from institutional care to family and community-based care, ensuring that children receive the love and support they need to thrive.

Making new progress in child care and protection

As a direct result of Mick’s conversations at the conference, Mick and Dan Hope (our CEO) have since had calls with organisations in Zambia, the Philippines, and Hong Kong about possible avenues for collaboration. These follow up conversations centered around improving child care and protection practice and developing legal and government systems. 

Tranquillity, reflection and shared purpose

Amidst the bustling activity of the conference, a tranquil Sunday morning offered a moment of reflection. As attendees gathered together, the sight of people from diverse nations was a reminder of the universal desire for peace and well-being.

The 3rd World Without Orphans conference was more than just an event; it was a glimpse of what organisations can achieve when they come together with a shared vision.

It underscored the importance of networking and collaboration, not just as a means to an end, but an essential aspect of progress and hope for improving child care and protection.

Moving forward, working together, nurturing connections made and fostering new ones, can transform ‘Crisis to Hope’ into a reality for every child!

If you think your organisation, or an organisation you know of, could benefit from partnering with SFAC please email us on

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