We are currently working on significant updates to our website including our “Who (We Are)” page. If you can’t find what (or who!) you’re looking for please feel free to email us on info@sfac.org.uk. We hope to have the work completed by October. Thanks for your patience!
Globally millions of adults with big hearts and good intentions are caring for vulnerable children. Sounds great right?
Here’s the catch: Many of those adults have little to no training in what vulnerable children need to survive and thrive. The result? Children are often harmed not helped.
That’s where SFAC comes in. Our team of expert social workers, therapists, lawyers and judges train adults all over the world. We work with anyone who cares for, works with, or makes decisions about children with the aim of turning those good intentions into good practice so children can thrive.
So welcome to our little corner of the internet where we’re all about seeing you, and those you care for (personally or professionally), thrive.Let’s get started!
To find out about the training we offer click here. Or browse our articles and resources on case management, how to care for children with a history of trauma, how to set up child centered legal & social systems and so much more here.
If you’d like to increase your capacity to care for yourself, other and the world and pick up some tips on thriving along the way we’ve got articles and resources just for you.
For SFAC news updates, impact reports and ideas on how you can get involved click here. For more about the specifics of our work, try the About Us menu.